The Project Manager for FMA, Alex Vaysman of Pancor, envisioned a grand entrance befitting the skills of its occupants, with a prominent view off of the I-90 Tollway.
Arlington helped him realize this vision, and you can’t miss it any time you drive by. It’s over 25’ tall and twice as long, and curved along its length. Alex and FMA wanted an asymmetrical flow, so the diagonal members are placed in random locations to give the building more visual interest—That it has!

To get the job done, Arlington fabricated the structure in one piece,
then cut it into three sections for shipping.

Due to the required
curves, we had to be creative with the locations of the diagonals. The
aim was to avoid having to weld numerous intersections within the
structure. We kept this to an absolute minimum, and also provided
temporary connections for the field personnel so that they were able to
hang the structure in one day. We then took a second day to detail out
the connections. Some times the best step forward is a step back to
think about how to solve the puzzle!

Our work on the FMA Headquarters was also featured in The Fabricator.